2024.07.22 ESG

Seeing the Children of Hualien Truku: Kmbiyax! Courage Camp

After the devastating 0403 Hualien earthquake, Wonderful Hi-Tech Group swiftly donated NT$500,000 each to five schools in Hualien—Xiulin Junior High School, Xiulin Elementary School, Fushi Elementary School, Chongde Elementary School, and Xibao Elementary School—for disaster relief and campus renovations. Additionally, the President of Wonderful Hi-Tech believes that companionship is more essential for comforting children than donations alone. Therefore, we organized the "Seeing the Children of Hualien Truku: Kmbiyax! Courage Camp" at the end of June.

Seeing the Children of Hualien Truku: Kmbiyax! Courage Camp Picture

During these three days, colleagues from Wonderful Hi-Tech accompanied the children. We specially incorporated games with indigenous elements to help the children deepen their understanding of their own culture by solving tasks and enhancing their self-confidence in the process. Children who successfully completed the challenges received small prizes. These prizes were not only an encouragement but also a symbol of hope. We believe that these days of companionship will leave a lasting impression on the children's hearts and inspire them to bravely face future challenges.

These children are the future of our country, the pillars and hope of society. Therefore, we hope that through this event, we can give them more confidence and strength. Although there is still a long road ahead, as long as we work hand in hand and together, we can create a better tomorrow. We hope that these children will grow up healthy and happy, becoming the pride of the nation.

We extend our gratitude to the Qtai team for capturing precious video records of Kmbiyax! Courage Camp: 【正片】Kmbiyax! 兒童勇氣營!看見花蓮 Truku 的孩子|萬泰科技集團|2024/06/24-26


Thank you to the media for their interviews and articles. We hope this report can inspire others to bring more care and support to these children:

《Hualien Today》萬泰科技舉辦兒童勇氣營 療癒太魯閣震災
《China Daily News》電線大廠傳愛太魯閣 萬泰科技赴秀林鄉舉辦兒童勇氣營療癒震災
《Keng Sheng Daily News》萬泰科赴秀林鄉舉辦兒童勇氣營療癒震災

After the devastating 0403 Hualien earthquake, Wonderful Hi-Tech Group swiftly donated NT$500,000 each to five schools in Hualien—Xiulin Junior High School, Xiulin Elementary School, Fushi Elementary School, Chongde Elementary School, and Xibao Elementary School—for disaster relief and campus renovations. Additionally, the President of Wonderful Hi-Tech believes that companionship is more essential for comforting children than donations alone. Therefore, we organized the "Seeing the Children of Hualien Truku: Kmbiyax! Courage Camp" at the end of June.

Seeing the Children of Hualien Truku: Kmbiyax! Courage Camp Picture

During these three days, colleagues from Wonderful Hi-Tech accompanied the children. We specially incorporated games with indigenous elements to help the children deepen their understanding of their own culture by solving tasks and enhancing their self-confidence in the process. Children who successfully completed the challenges received small prizes. These prizes were not only an encouragement but also a symbol of hope. We believe that these days of companionship will leave a lasting impression on the children's hearts and inspire them to bravely face future challenges.

These children are the future of our country, the pillars and hope of society. Therefore, we hope that through this event, we can give them more confidence and strength. Although there is still a long road ahead, as long as we work hand in hand and together, we can create a better tomorrow. We hope that these children will grow up healthy and happy, becoming the pride of the nation.

We extend our gratitude to the Qtai team for capturing precious video records of Kmbiyax! Courage Camp: 【正片】Kmbiyax! 兒童勇氣營!看見花蓮 Truku 的孩子|萬泰科技集團|2024/06/24-26


Thank you to the media for their interviews and articles. We hope this report can inspire others to bring more care and support to these children:

《Hualien Today》萬泰科技舉辦兒童勇氣營 療癒太魯閣震災
《China Daily News》電線大廠傳愛太魯閣 萬泰科技赴秀林鄉舉辦兒童勇氣營療癒震災
《Keng Sheng Daily News》萬泰科赴秀林鄉舉辦兒童勇氣營療癒震災